Saturday, December 15, 2007

2nd Period Pin

I had the opportunity to go see Ethan wrestle today at Oswego High School. It was a Quad match and he was only going to wrestle once. He finally made weight to wrestled 189. The way the match started I thought he was going to get pinned, he kept reaching for the guy and with this opening, the opponent was taking advantage of that.
Right before the 1st period ended Ethan had the guy on his back, he only needed to get his arm out from under the guy and hold him down for a pin. Of course at this time the buzzer went off. (I hate when that happens.)
2nd period, again Ethan started reaching for the guy and I think Ethan finally realized what he was doing wrong. The opponent took the shot, had a good grip on Ethan and they both went down, I thought that's it, he's going to roll Ethan and get a pin, but Ethan got out of the grip and quickly turned on the guy. Ethan got the guy on his back; all Ethan had to do is get the guys right shoulder down. Everyone kept yelling for Ethan to lift his head. I think it took all of the DGS wrestlers and parents to get Ethan's attention. Ethan lifted his head and got the pin. I took pictures but have to wait until they are developed, my old 35mm takes better pictures then my digital does in gymnasiums.