Sunday, February 24, 2008

My Youngest Might Have a Job

I have the fortune of selling cards I make at the Travelers Cafe in downtown Westmont, so this morning I went to the Cafe to swap out some of the older cards with newer ones. I was having a conversation with the owner about the Cafe possibly making my oldest sons graduation cake; when I decided to ask her if she might need help at the Cafe over the summer. She seemed rather pleased I asked so I told her about how Jordan wants to go to a culinary school and if she needed help over the summer it would give him the experience on how a restaurant is run. I told her he could clean, sweep and do garbage or do bust boy jobs. She asked his age and said he could work in the kitchen as long as he didn't slice meat and wondered if he was available to work now. I told her he is in school all day, and then she menitoned Saturdays.
So Jordan's 1st job maybe working in a Cafe on Saturdays until summer comes and then he would maybe work more often.

1 comment:

Scotte Hodel said...

Wonderful! Congratulations, Jordan!