Tonight we spent a quiet New Years Eve at home. Jordan was hired to babysat his cousin tonight and will sleep over so his aunt/uncle won’t have to bring him home.
So tonight we took down our Christmas tree. I am always amazed at how much more room there is in the living room once we take the tree down. Tomorrow Todd and Jordan are supposed to take down the outside lights but I am not sure they are going to be able to do it, we are getting a nice snow storm right now and the temperature is really supposed to drop. So tonight I made some snacks for the 3 of us and we played a game of Scrabble. Between the 3 of us we used all but four tiles/letters. After subtracting the unused letters, Ethan and I tied for 1st with 137 points. Todd had the lowest score but he didn’t have any tiles left so in a way he won too. After the Scrabble game, Ethan picked the DVD Monty Python and the Holy Grail for us to watch. Not sure if midnight will come before the movie ends or the movie will end before midnight strikes.